Financing For Your Customers

Many business owners are losing potential sales and these people can’t become your customers because very few consumers use cash or checks for purchases over $1,000, many consumers don’t have a credit card or don’t have enough of their credit limit available to make a purchase and only about one-third of consumers are considered prime borrowers with credit scores of 690 or greater.

The average FICO score for most consumers in the USA is 656, which is far below the requirements of GE Capital, Wells Fargo and other “A” credit lenders.  In addition, about 86% of people are payment buyers, meaning that they are much more likely to make a purchase if they can make monthly payments instead of a lump sum purchase.  So what is the solution to increase your sales and revenue; offer affordable payment plans to allow consumers to make their purchases. Our programs are designed to approve your customers/patients that have marginal and low credit (“Sub-prime”) as well as those with “A” credit.

Selling a monthly payment that is affordable to the customer will turn prospects into buyers and also allow you to upsell customers to larger purchases.  Think about every time a customer walks into a car dealer, are they asked how much they can afford as a monthly payment or how much they can pay for a vehicle.  Of course it is about the payment.  The program below lets you use the same strategy to increase your sales.

Join Our Merchant Risk Pool for Higher Approvals.

The More Merchants Processing in Our Risk Pool, Lowers Each Customer Risk Class, Thus Giving Your Individual Business More Approvals, Weighting Your Customers Jointly Across Multiple Merchants, As Opposed to Just Gauging Risk on Your Customers Alone

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