The Foundation-Structure Correctly

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The first step in obtaining business funding is deciding on a suitable structure.

There are literally thousands of new business owners that wake up, decide to start their small business with a few thousand dollars in hand, go to the local Justice of Peace court, pay about $11-$20, get a fictitious name (DBA) and they BELIEVE they are in business soon as their business cards are printed and their website is up.

This is the worst type of set-up. This is a recipe for disaster and failure to come within a short 2 years. With lawsuits on the rise, you have a high probability of getting shut down after one dis-satisfied customer or one accident. Or, you may have avoided some pitfalls to only find you cant grow the company or get funding after 2 years of operating because the banks do not recognize your small business running under a personal social security number with your fictitious DBA filing for $15 at the court house a REAL business.

Get a Real Structure. Do it Now.

Wouldn’t it just be better to start the right way now? Getting the liability protection today BEFORE disaster hits and wipes your entire family’s savings out?

Wouldn’t it be better to start using another source of credit than tying up your personal credit for your business finances and expenses? Wouldn’t it be better to keep your personal credit available for a home purchase for your family and your business credit for your vehicles and computers?

INCORPORATE NOW for Security and Better Financial Planning.