Large Business – Commercial Lending

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Public Money

If you already have a public company we can help increase your company’s value and profitability and help you protect assets from lawsuits.

Keep in mind; it is not only about raising money. It is also about being sure that the company is well run and managed. The top CEOs work for the benefit of the shareholders. Keep their best interest in mind and they will sense your motive and more people will be attracted to your organization. It’s the long-term view that matters and not the one-time shot. You will need a properly structured corporation, a sound business plan and knowledgeable people to carry it out. Whether you are in the US, Germany, China, Canada or other location, seek us for help.

With what do you need help?

  • Do you want to increase your sales?
  • Do you need to keep costs down?
  • Do you want to acquire other businesses and need to find good candidates?
  • Do you need a better business plan?
  • What about advertising and marketing? Need help?
  • Do you need a good support system and a list of knowledgeable people?
  • What about protection against people “shorting” your stock?
  • Want to do business with S&P 500 companies?
  • Want to get your name out there to the public in a cost-effective fashion?
  • Do you want to get off the pink sheets and move up into a larger exchange?
  • Helps you grow your company more rapidly by providing you with extra financial resources.
  • Helps you attract and keep top-notch people with reasonable salaries (through stock options).
  • Grow your company faster by attracting a knowledgeable, experienced board of directors.
  • Raise capital faster and with less cost.
  • Increases the liquidity for you and your investors.
  • Frees up capital and creates marketable stock that can be used to acquire other companies and form strategic ventures with other companies.
  • Increases your growth rate by increasing your ability to compete for large contracts.
  • Can quickly and substantially upping the value of your company.
  • Leverages your own investment in your business by making it more valuable, thus increasing your personal ROI.
  • Increases the status of your business thereby making it easier to attract new business.

News About Going Public

A Direct Public Offering (DPO) may have significant advantages over an IPO. With an IPO one must announce how much the company will raise through selling shares. If that amount is not raised, the offering cannot be completed. However, with a DPO there are not the same restrictions and there is much more flexibility because you are not required to raise the amount of capital that you propose in your offering like you would have to in an IPO.

So, if you are planning on or thinking about going public, and want to know more about how the SEC registration process works, including a public shell or reverse merger, complete the form on the right and someone will discuss this with you. We can see how much you want as well as when you want to start raising capital. Ask about how to go public and inquire about reverse mergers. Help is available on private placement memorandums (PPM) as well as obtaining seed capital, start-up capital, market makers, shell companies and how to take your company public. Information about how to raise capital as a public company legally and ethically is also provided.

When all the work is completed, your business can go public and your business will, thus, become a public company. We take you by the hand and walk you through the obstacle course step-by-step through the process of becoming a publicly traded company. Our support staff of professionals can also keep you updated on how to do a reverse merger with a publicly traded shell company. One can go public through a reverse merger with a public shell company. The DPO, however, is usually the preferred choice for most people.

Go Public With the Proper Promotion and Investor Relations

Proper investor relations have a profit motive, legal motive, and peace-of-mind motive. So, our firm can help you to communicate properly with investors and promote the stock. Unlike private companies, a properly filed public company can now advertise direct public offerings to members of the public.

With your public company we can help you take charge and raise capital that your business needs quickly and legally.

We can help you promote your business to larger audiences than you ever have before.

You can trade stock for advertising services. Then you can use this essentially free advertising and use it to let the world know that you are a public company. More people will know about you so more people will buy from you. This will help you in your pursuit of raising capital because more investors will know your company stock is available for trading.

The Going Public Process

Most people are not familiar with how to go public. So, we make it easy. Phrases such as direct public offering, initial public offering are familiar but few are familiar with the details of how to go about getting there. What is a market maker? How do you best do a reverse merger? Raise capital? Form a public shell corporation? Those are the questions we answer and these are the services that can be provided after you call.

One of the first steps is completing the S-1 registration form and filing it with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Once they approve of the filing, documents are filed with FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The priorities and procedures with IPO and DPO procedures will be handled in a professional manner as well as public shell merger procedures, rule 15c211 filings and form 8-K. EDGAR, which stands for Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval filings are completed properly so that the public shell company is formed, the reverse merger happens properly and the startup capital or growth funds are successfully raised.

As we have mentioned earlier in the article, the preferred method is often the DPO (Direct Public Offering). Make contact and we can provide you with some free information on this topic as well as how to do a reverse merger with a public shell company. Thus, you can learn how to take your company public without the traditional expense. Moreover, you can get tips on how to take your company public and why it is so much easier to raise capital using a public company as opposed to a private one.