Business Process Automation

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Business Process Automation (BPA)

Definition – What does Business Process Automation (BPA) mean?

Business Process Automation (BPA) is a process of managing information, data and processes to reduce costs, resources and investment. BPA increases productivity by automating key business processes through computing technology.

The BPA process is geared toward implementing software applications to automate routine business tasks through initiation, execution and completion, while achieving enterprise-wide workflow efficiency. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is often conceived as a BPA implementation outcome.

Techopedia explains Business Process Automation (BPA)

BPA is designed to maintain efficiency and increase the stability and operational productivity of an underutilized workforce by integrating business critical software applications. BPA works by analyzing critical and non-critical business processes and their relationship and dependency on other business processes and external partners, in addition to developing or sourcing automated software and computing processes.BPA is based on three fundamental principles:

  • Orchestration: Allows organizations to build systems that provide centralized management of its enterprise computing architecture.
  • Integration: Amalgamates business functions by ensuring the BPA system is spread across the process-centric boundaries of an organization.
  • Automated execution: Reduces multiple tasks with minimal human intervention.